Ludus product aimed at training the ability to detect risk situations in the field of construction.

Safety in construction

  • The objective is to offer the trainer a virtual scenario in which the students can practice their observation skills and knowledge about risk situations and safety regulations in construction.
  • This product covers a wide spectrum of risks related to protective equipment, general safety and signaling regulations.
  • The student must move around a work and identify different risk situations. At the end of the exercise, all undetected risks will be shown to the rest of the class.
Ficha_Seguridad en construccion
Discover other formations that could be functional for you
With the virtual simulation of LOTO you can practice lockout tagout of machines and different energies in a completely safe way.
Fire safety

With the virtual simulation of the use of fire extinguishers, you can practice how to act in a real fire, from checking the equipment to extinguishing the fire without suffering any danger.

Road safety

Aimed at training awareness. In a virtual scenario, the trainer will be offered 2 training pills that allow him to address road safety awareness.