Ludus product aimed at training people in the identification of ergonomic risks.
Postural Ergonomics
- The aim is to offer thetrainer several virtual scenarios in which different ergonomic risks are represented.
- During the task trainees will have to identify and correct ergonomic unsafe situations. At the end of the task, all unidentified risks will be shown to the rest of the class.
- This product covers a wide range of risks related to postural ergonomics, bad posture, adaptation of the workplace, taking care of your back and teleworking.

Discover other formations that could be functional for you
Warehouse safety
Training in risk detection that allows the student to equip himself with the corresponding PPE and evaluate the preventive measures in a work plant.
Road safety
Aimed at training awareness. In a virtual scenario, the trainer will be offered 2 training pills that allow him to address road safety awareness.
Hand injury prevention
The simulation offers the trainer a series of exercises in which risk situations related to hand care are represented. The product is aimed at production and maintenance personnel.